Thursday 12 June 2014

Jobsearch 1: Where to look

Most jobs are advertised as current . They appear in the local and national , trade , and specialist career publications. In addition, many professional  offer an appointments service which can help job seekers find a suitable  in a particular . Recruitment  hold details of a wide range of vacancies, and possibly local training . The Internet is a valuable  - not only for vacancies but to find background information on companies.
Approximately one third of jobs are never advertised, but may be found by approaching a company directly. This is called a speculative , and is common among students starting at the bottom of the career .
Finally, don't forget to use your personal !

things and people which can provide useful information
jobs that no-one is doing that someone is needed to do
job, post

recruitment agencies
companies which have details of jobs and details of the people who might want them

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