Thursday 12 June 2014

Jobsearch 3: Company departments

Company departments

Which department does which job? Match each job from the column on the left to a company department from the column on the right.
1. puts the product into boxes?
2. pays wages and salaries?
3. plans how to promote products?
4. has systems to prevent mistakes?
5. looks after the equipment?
6. deals with complaints?
7. manufactures the products?
8. sends invoices to customers?
9. buys equipment?
10. arranges credit facilities?
11. helps staff develop new skills?
12. sends products to the customer?
13. buys media space?
14. recruits new staff?
15. sends representatives to visit customers?


  1. puts the product into boxes? - F. Packaging
  2. pays wages and salaries? - I. Payroll
  3. plans how to promote products? - C. Marketing
  4. has systems to prevent mistakes? - M. Quality
  5. looks after the equipment? - O. Maintenance
  6. deals with complaints? - K. Customer Service
  7. manufactures the products? - B. Production
  8. sends invoices to customers? - H. Accounts
  9. buys equipment? - D. Purchasing
  10. arranges credit facilities? - L. Financial Services
  11. helps staff develop new skills? - A. Training
  12. sends products to the customer? - J. Distribution
  13. buys media space? - N. Advertising
  14. recruits new staff? - E. Personnel
  15. sends representatives to visit customers? - G. Sales
A. Training
B. Production
C. Marketing
D. Purchasing
E. Personnel
F. Packaging
G. Sales
H. Accounts
I. Payroll
J. Distribution
K. Customer Service
L. Financial Services
M. Quality
N. Advertising
O. Maintenance

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